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  DateType de publication Titre Emetteur / Entité
18 Feb 2016 Sector In-Depth Global Macro Outlook 2016-17: Global growth faces rising risks at time of policy constraint Brazil, Governm...
China, Governme...
France, Governm...
Germany, Govern...
India, Governme...
Indonesia, Gove...
Italy, Governme...
Japan, Governme...
Mexico, Governm...
Russia, Governm...
10 Nov 2015 Sector In-Depth Global Macro Outlook 2015-17: Lacklustre Global Economic Recovery Through 2017 Diminishes Resilience to Shocks Argentina, Gove...
Australia, Gove...
Brazil, Governm...
Canada, Governm...
China, Governme...
France, Governm...
Germany, Govern...
India, Governme...
Indonesia, Gove...
Italy, Governme...
12 May 2015 Announcement Moody's: Currency shifts to widen gap between global economies in 2015-16 Brazil, Governm...
China, Governme...
France, Governm...
Germany, Govern...
Greece, Governm...
India, Governme...
Japan, Governme...
Russia, Governm...
Turkiye, Govern...
United Kingdom,...
12 May 2015 Sector In-Depth Global Macro Outlook 2015-16: Stronger US Dollar and Shifts in Capital Flows Stoke Divisions in Global Growth Brazil, Governm...
China, Governme...
Germany, Govern...
India, Governme...
South Africa, G...
Turkiye, Govern...
United States o...
23 Mar 2015 Sector Comment US Dollar Strength Hurts Countries with Large External Financing Needs Brazil, Governm...
Chile, Governme...
Colombia, Gover...
India, Governme...
Indonesia, Gove...
Korea, Governme...
Malaysia, Gover...
Mexico, Governm...
Peru, Governmen...
Philippines, Go...
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